Golf cart batteries – Maintenance is extremely important

To keep your golf cart batteries in excellent condition golf cart battery maintenance is extremely important.

Do not discharge your golf cart batteries to the point where they are completely dead. You can discharge them to between 50 to 80 percent but certainly not over 80 percent.

golf cart batteries

You should try and use your golf cart batteries as often as you can. And, do a fresh charge every so often.

Fill the battery cells with distilled water (not tap water) ¼ to ½ inch above the plates. Do not overfill them.

After you are done with your golf cart for the day, its best to charge your batteries overnight.

Always try and buy a high quality golf cart charger that you can plug in and forget about overnight so that no manual shut off is needed.

Clean the batteries with a bristle brush and a solution of baking soda and water. You MUST wear eye protection and rubber gloves with no jewelry.. Also, spray the cables with anti-corrosive spray to prevent corrosion and rust.

Check out our selection of automatic Club Car Chargers, EZGO Chargers and Yamaha Golf Cart Chargers.


Golf Cart Troubleshooting



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Category: Golf cart batteries

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